A place for all your stuff. When your stuff is Logs, Events and Netflow – Oh My. I leaned about Gravwell from the podcast Security Weekly and the explanation and thoughtfulness of “storing all your stuff” really resonated with me. Gravwell offers a “Community Edition” which allows for 2GB per day to ingest of your […]
Gravwell – Windows Event Logs
Windows Event Logs The Windows OS is generating and capturing a number of internal (Windows Apps, services) and external or third party Events. The Windows Event logs are incredibly useful when dealing with end-points and devices for troubleshooting actual problems and alerting to other details or issues that might impact your service and up-time needs. […]
Windows 10 & System Resource Utilization Monitor
A consolidation of information and links to what you’re seeing in Windows Task Manager and History. The information below is not my discovery and the links to credits are at the beginning of this journal entry for an immediate TL:DR These are just details I’ve found to journal about in my investigation of;“WTF […]
Home Lab Network Separation Planning
Gotta Keep ’em Separated As the proliferation of devices that connect to your home network continues to grow. We need a better set of controls of what these devices can do once on your network. Especially taking into consideration the recent RansomeWare and BotNet like take overs that can really break your heart if it […]
Rachio 3 – Smart WiFi Sprinkler Controller
The Rachio 3 Smart WiFi Lawn Sprinkler Controller I recently changed over to the Rachio v3 Smart Lawn Sprinkler as this latest version has an inline water monitor solution that will be available during the Summer 2018. The Rachio V3 and previous V2 have features similar to that of other devices on the market – […]
Secure DNS Traffic – Learning From Scott Helme
Your web traffic consists of protocols and the ports they travel over the network and some are encrypted and some are not. The “Are Not” part is the important situation I have been investigating. When you open a web browser there are a number of different ways to connect to a site through a browser […]
Phantom 4 Pro V1.0 Vs. Phantom 4 Pro V2.0
DJI Announces Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 The announcement of the DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 is one I have been waiting to see – primarily to check for upgrades. I recently purchased the Phantom 4 Pro V 1.0 as I did not think waiting for an update was cost effective NOR did I want to […]
Ubiquiti UniFi – Enterprise WiFi for ProSumer Users
The Home WiFi Upgrade (The move to Ubiquity & UniFi) In the last 5 years WiFi has had some speed leaps and the Local ISPs have had a tough time catching up with their provided hardware. The small coverage, lack of control, difficulty to manage advanced features really put the WiFi signal at the control […]
Blossom Sprinkler Controller
Blossom The WiFi Sprinkler Controller While relocating the existing older sprinkler controller it was identified that it was not wired properly to an AC outlet. This resulted in enough sparks to make me run for cover and I decided a replacement of this old controller was a great idea. The BlossomĀ is at the best affordability […]
Smart Oil Gauge – Home Heating
Connected Consumer Fuel – Smart Oil Gauge – Install & Day 01 In our home we have an oil tank in the basement and its current gauge is a float that sometimes sticks. We do have an automated delivery system with our Home Heating Oil Provider so they delivery when they “think” we should be […]